Navigation Maritime Bulgare
Navigation Maritime Bulgare (NAVIBULGAR®) is the successor to a shipping company established in 1892. Until 14, 2008 Navibulgar was the largest State-Owned Shipping Comnpany with over a century-old tradition and experience in the shipping industry. In the present, being a private company with 130 years of inheritance and adopting the principles of a private key market player, NAVIBULGAR® has an even stronger position in Bulgaria and on the international scene.

Safer Ships, Cleaner Oceans and Customers First
NAVIBULGAR® has developed and maintained its Safety Environmental Protection and Quality Management System (SEPQM System) according to the requirements of International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code), International Standard for Quality Management System (ISO 9001) and International Standard for Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) as well as its Security Management System (SecMS) - according to the requirements of International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). The company and its vessels have been audited for compliance with the ISM Code, ISPS Code, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by Bulgarian Maritime Administration and RINA.
Over 1000 qualified staff, administration and crew, work for NAVIBULGAR®. The continuous improvement of the personnel qualification has always been among the Company top priorities. The administration and operational staff follow the principle of Lifelong Learning, which is a guarantee for the quality of the services offered.
Member of:
- Bulgarian Shipowners Association
Strategic Goal
Maintain our tradition as a key market player, ensure stable position and plan ahead.
Company Mission
- Excellent customer service
- Client orientation
- Social responsibility
- Creativity
- Integrity
- Flexibility
- Proactive approach
- Environmental friendly approach
Environmental Responsibility
NAVIBULGAR® has developed programs and standards for environmental protection and the usage of environmental friendly technologies in accordance to MARPOL, ISM and ISO 14001. It is the company primary obligation to abide to those international rules and regulations and make its contribution to preserving our nature.