
- Markets the vessels, owned and/or managed and operated by NMB to the shipping community and/or to selected companies. Negotiates and signs shipping contracts, aiming to achieve the best result for all parties involved. Contracts on voyage and time charter terms.
- Prepares and circulates the daily open position list of the vessels of the Company;
- Looks for suitable cargoes and negotiates the best employment for the open vessels;
- When necessary, negotiates and employs vessels from the market, for the purpose of covering the contracts of NMB. Takes decision for the periods on which the vessels on time-charter will be operated;
- Approves and constantly updates the list of the Owners' brokers of NMB;
- Carries out market research and analysis, keeps up with the news in the shipping sector, i.e. indices, reported fixtures, important events and developments;
- Projects and monitors the general chartering strategy in relation to the income from the operation of the vessels of NMB;
- Analyzes the final results of the contracts;
- Controls the original Charter Parties by all counterparts;
- Provides and supports the continuous education of the personnel;
- Participates in meetings with Charterers, Brokers, etc. Takes active part in shipping conferences.
The Department consists of seven people in Varna and works closely with the NMB brokering office in Hamburg and Balkan & Black Sea Shipping Co.,Ltd in London.
They are high-degree educated specialists with a wide experience and extensive practice in operation, negotiation, and chartering of tramp and liner vessels. Your point of contact will be 1 Fellow and 3 Members of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, who are working for the mutual benefit.
The Department is directly subordinate to the Director Chartering and Operations and works in close co-operation with the operational and technical managers of the fleet.